5 Thoughts On Salesforce NFT Cloud

💥Now it’s official. Salesforce has launched NFT Cloud Pilot during Salesforce Connections – an event for Salesforce professionals. In June NFT Cloud will start its pilot phase.
What do we think?
1. Salesforce will not work with proof of work blockchains which imply mining. It means that there will be no support for the two main cryptocurrencies: Ethereum and Bitcoin. On Bitcoin, NFTs don’t bargain much. Ethereum plans to switch to proof-of-stake. We assume in the future there will be support for Ethereum in the NFT Cloud because it is a very large market.
2. In general, the idea of NFT Cloud looks like an NFT marketplace so far, like Opensea and Magiceden. Interaction with business processes in Salesforce and potentially real physical objects. It’s interesting as an option. But this topic is still developing in the format of the metaverses.
3. Additional Salesforce security is also a big plus. We haven’t heard that Salesforce was hacked and as a result, data was leaked, but sometimes marketplaces are hacked.
4. The development of this cloud is actual now. The NFT industry grows fast. Salesforce instantly responds to trends and embodies them in technology. As it was with the wave of blockchain and the pandemic. That’s why we have Salesforce Blockchain, Work.com & Safety Cloud.
5. We still remember the news about how more than 400 Salesforce employees have signed an open letter protesting against NFT Cloud. Cause blockchain, Ethereum, and NFT require a lot of energy to maintain a decentralized platform and can negatively affect the environment. So, the Proof-of-stake concept promises to significantly reduce the environmental impact. The above-mentioned makes it clear to us that in the future NFT Cloud may close the issue of negative impact.