Spot Trends & Customer Insights with Getfeedback & Salesforce  

3 min 10.06.2022 Updated: 16.07.2024

We want to believe the quality of provided services and goods is on a high level. But it doesn’t mean that it will last forever. Every company should research whether customers are satisfied or not. Otherwise, a customer switches the company faster than you will provide another solution to keep the client. We found some stats that show how it works in reality.

Why it’s important to collect feedback?  

The Routine Automation expert highlights the next key Whys:
  • Customers are happy that their experience is important.
The reason why a company can also increase sales is by improving communication with a customer. Expressing your opinion is a catalyst for improving your feelings of importance, accepting yourself and communicating your values and views.
  • Customers can help to improve services while increasing satisfaction scores.
Sometimes it is difficult to find a hole in the boat and understand where the water flows from. The same thing happens in companies where it is difficult to identify problems and you need to spend a lot of time on a deep analysis of structures and strategies. When you can connect the questionnaires and the clients themselves will tell you where to look for holes.
  • Customers detect the problems inside the company which the internal team can’t see.   
For example, if we are talking about a retail company, then you can conduct surveys on products, evaluate their quality, etc.

The Q&A Session with our Expert   

What is Getfeedback? 

Getfeedback is a survey application to collect feedback from customers and analyze the Net Promoter Score (NPS) data.

How does Getfeedback work with Salesforce? 

Getfeedback is set up as a package from AppExchange.  An integration user is created with subsequent authorization. Once we have authorized the user in the system and created a questionnaire, then we can link this user to the questionnaire. Outbound messages are created on the org, which can be used in any suitable case. For example, there was a call on CTI and we want to ask the customer if he likes the service. We send an outbound message by transmitting the necessary data (phone number, name, case, etc.). After sending a message to the system, an SMS is sent to the number that came from Salesforce. There is a link to the survey. The customer takes a survey and the final results go to Salesforce.

What does Getfeedback include? 

Sync real-time response data into Salesforce. Pre-built templates with survey question types:
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  • Customer Effort Score (CES)
Omni-channel survey distribution approach:
  • Via Website
  • Via Chat
  • Via Email
  • Via APP
  • Via SMS
Text Analytics with Salesforce Reports & Dashboard to spot trends & customer insights.

How can I connect my Geetfedback account with Salesforce? 

You can find the guide on how to connect the survey app solution with Salesforce on the official website in the Help section. Or get in touch with the Routine Automation team to book a consultation.
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