Why Choose Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud 

9 min 06.12.2023 Updated: 16.07.2024

Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud delivers a purpose-built CRM solution for manufacturers to gain end-to-end visibility, enhance collaboration, and drive intelligence across sales, operations, and service. As the manufacturing industry confronts volatility and disruption, our team of Salesforce experts  explore five compelling reasons Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud enables players to navigate complexity and unlock new potential.

What is Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud? 

Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud provides a customer relationship management (CRM) platform tailored to the unique needs of manufacturing enterprises. It connects disjointed systems and data to give manufacturers complete visibility across sales, service, production, inventory, and partners.  

Key capabilities include:  

  • Unified Order Management: Consolidates customer order data from all channels into a centralized hub for greater coordination between teams.  
  • Production Forecasting: Leverages AI and analytics to generate accurate demand predictions, minimizing costly overages or shortages.  
  • Supply Chain Integration: Connects manufacturing processes with suppliers and distributors for end-to-end visibility. 
  • Omnichannel Service: Manages customer cases across self-service portals, call centers, and on-site techs for consistent experiences. 
  • Partner Collaboration: Provides visibility and aligned goals across the partner ecosystem. 
Two men analyzing data on a computer screen in a Manufacturing Cloud Salesforce setting.

With these and other features tailored to manufacturers, Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud promotes information sharing so teams can proactively meet customer needs.  

Routine Automation helps manufacturers realize Manufacturing Cloud’s potential through solutions tailored to their business processes, systems, and objectives. Our certified architects design roadmaps leveraging Manufacturing Cloud’s purpose-fit capabilities for your specific environment. We facilitate smooth enterprise-wide adoption.  

Benefits of Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud

Adopting Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud empowers manufacturers to:  

1. Increase Agility & Resilience  

The uncertainty caused by events such as COVID-19 and supply chain disruptions highlight the need for manufacturers to be agile and adaptable. Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud provides the data foundation and analytics capabilities so manufacturers can sense demand shifts and operational disruptions in real time.  

By connecting data points across production, logistics, and inventory, the platform delivers visibility to pivot swiftly – changing order fulfillment timelines, adjusting source supplies, or shifting to alternate materials. This nimbleness minimizes revenue risks and cushions against disruption.  

2. Boost Service Experiences  

With more manufacturers embracing servitization business models centered around outcomes, the need for robust post-sales service capabilities grows. Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud allows manufacturers to seamlessly manage cases across self-help portals, call centers, and field technician dispatching.  

Leveraging IoT device data and existing customer history in the platform, manufacturers can resolve issues faster while providing VIP treatment through omnichannel support. The result is higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and growth.  

3. Streamline Operations End-to-End  

Spanning order data, production scheduling, inventory tracking, logistics coordination, and customer service, Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud connects all the dots. No longer are sales, operations, and service isolated in silos. Now unified data provides complete operational visibility so teams can collaborate for aligned execution.  

As manufacturing processes gain transparency into supply and demand interdependencies, they move seamlessly in an optimized flow – avoiding wasted resources or lost revenue from mismatched priorities between functions.  

4. Harness the Power of Data  

Manufacturing generates vast amounts of valuable data, from machine sensor outputs in production to after-sales service records. Unfortunately, this data all too often languishes in fragmented systems rather than informing continuous improvement.  

Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud ingests, organizes, and analyzes data across the manufacturing value chain by leveraging AI and analytics. These insights then trigger prescriptive, automated actions to boost everything from predictive maintenance scheduling to personalized customer promotions.  

5. Futureproof Growth Trajectory  

Manufacturers face ever-rising customer expectations and continuous disruption in a rapidly evolving Industry 4.0 landscape. Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud provides the nimbleness, resilience, and intelligence to not merely survive – but thrive amid volatility.  

As a true digital platform built on cutting-edge cloud architecture, Manufacturing Cloud allows users to readily incorporate innovations like IoT, blockchain, AI, and automation to stay competitive. By connecting partners and legacy systems through open APIs, the solution flexes to your transformation needs.   

While Manufacturing Cloud delivers tremendous strategic value, capturing the full benefits requires thoughtful adoption. As a Salesforce development partner, Routine Automation ensures you receive maximum ROI through solutions aligned to your service, inventory, and omnichannel use cases.  

Ready to Enhance Your Manufacturing Efficiency?
Let our team show you how Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud can streamline your operation.

Why Should a Business Choose the Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud? 

With pre-built capabilities that other CRMs lack, Manufacturing Cloud offers purpose-fit solutions so players can optimize customer and operational performance.  

Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud provides strategic advantages versus legacy systems:  

  • Connected Data: Breaks down silos for visibility across sales, service, operations and finance 
  • Predictive Power: Leverages innovations like AI and analytics to enable nimble responses amid volatility 
  • Flexible Configuration: Pre-built industry functionality still customizable for evolving needs 
  • Ecosystem Integration: Interoperates with existing tech investments to optimize spend 
  • Future-Oriented: Cloud foundation to incorporate emerging technologies like IoT and automation 
  • Customer-Centric: Aligns sales, production, and delivery for better consumer experiences 
A cartoon image of a large industrial plant with Manufacturing Cloud Salesforce.

With these advantages, Manufacturing Cloud provides the harmonized platform manufacturers require – connecting data, applying innovations, and positioning for agility through unified visibility into orders, inventory, supply chains, and omnichannel consumer engagement.  

Transitioning from rigid legacy systems requires expertise – and Routine Automation provides this through specialized teams guiding your Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud journey. Trust us to embed the platform into your ecosystem for unified, data-driven manufacturing excellence.

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Manufacturing Cloud Best For

The Manufacturing Cloud is ideally suited for a variety of businesses and organizational needs, particularly in the manufacturing sector. It offers comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the unique challenges faced by these organizations: 

  • Midsize and large manufacturers seeking end-to-end visibility and coordination across sales, service, operations, and finance. 
  • Companies struggling with demand planning and needing robust analytics for predictive insights and scenario modeling.  
  • Organizations pursuing data-driven services, subscriptions, and outcome business models needing CRM embedded natively alongside ERP capabilities.
  • Manufacturers aiming to leverage IoT, AI, and other exponential technologies through an open, future-oriented cloud platform. 
  • Groups requiring flexibility in deploying via public or private cloud aligned to their IT preferences and level of change appetite.  

By directly addressing common pain points like fractured views, reactive approaches, and disjointed systems, Manufacturing Cloud presents obvious advantages versus generic CRM options. Players from industrial equipment producers to high-tech manufacturers to CPG companies now access unified solutions benefiting customer-centric strategies.  

Conclusion: An Obvious Choice to Unlock Potential

By providing end-to-end visibility, robust data, and interoperability, Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud strengthens manufacturers to deliver better customer and partner experiences. This empowers more profitable servitization business models that create value not merely through products – but through services and lifetime relationships.  

Our team of certified Salesforce architects and developers help manufacturing enterprises realize this potential. Based on your unique processes, systems, and objectives, we craft comprehensive yet agile Salesforce solutions tailored to your needs.  

With expertise in implementing Manufacturing Cloud and 250+ successful Salesforce projects overall, trust us to securely connect your technology ecosystem for maximum impact.  

Let us help you transform siloed functions into an insights-driven, customer-centric enterprise poised to outperform amid exponential change. Contact us today to discuss how manufacturing in the cloud powers your future.  

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