Salesforce Field Service Lightning (FSL) for business
2 min 24.02.2023 Updated: 19.06.2024


Top 8 Reasons Your Business Can’t Afford to Ignore FSL

  • 1. No More Paperwork Hassles: With field service lightning, your technicians can say goodbye to mountains of paperwork and Excel spreadsheets and hello to streamlined digital workflows. No more filling out forms with messy handwriting or struggling to find lost work orders. Your technicians will thank you for not sending them on wild goose chases anymore! 
  • 2. Be the hero = Keep Customers Happy: With FSL, you can track your service performance and customer satisfaction, and get insights to improve your service delivery. So, you can keep your customers happy, solve their problems quickly and efficiently and keep customers coming back.  
  • 3. Make More Money: Salesforce field service lightning helps you optimize your field service operations, which means you can take on more jobs, complete them faster, and get paid sooner. It’s a win-win for your business and your wallet!  
  • 4. Real-Time Communication & Access to Information: Salesforce FSL provides real-time communication between your dispatchers, technicians, and customers, so everyone is on the same page. No more missed appointments or angry customers!   
  • 5. Seamless Integration: FSL integrates with Salesforce, so you can manage your field service operations and customer relationships on the same platform. It’s like having a personal assistant for your entire business!  
  • 6. Mobile-Friendly: Field service lightning Salesforce is mobile-friendly, which means your technicians can access work orders, customer information, and other essential data from anywhere, at any time. They can even check their social media during breaks!  
  • 7. Customizable Workflows: FSL allows you to customize your workflows to match your business processes, so you can tailor your service delivery to your unique needs. It’s like having a bespoke suit for your field service operations!  
  • 8. Improve Decision-Making: Salesforce field service lightning provides real-time analytics and insights, so you can make informed decisions about your field service operations. You have real-time access to information about service requests, work orders, and inventory levels, which gives you the ability to track key performance indicators, identify trends, etc.  
Need to implement FSL and don’t know how?
Contact us to book a free consultation with our Salesforce Field Service expert.