Salesforce Event Management: Tips & Best Practices
10 min 28.03.2024 Updated: 21.06.2024


In a recent discussion, our Team Lead and Salesforce Architect, Evgeniy Sukach (Evgeniy), shared insights with the Routine Automation (RA) team on leveraging Salesforce for successful events.

In an era where digital transformation is paramount, events have become more than just physical gatherings; they are critical touchpoints for businesses to engage with their audience, showcase their innovations, and build lasting relationships. The advent of Salesforce Event Management has revolutionized how events are planned, managed, and analyzed, offering a suite of tools that simplify these processes and ensure events deliver on their strategic objectives.  
Our Team Lead and Salesforce Architect, Evgeniy Sukach, delivered an outstanding presentation at our client’s Cotswolds Community Group event. He has shared best practices related to efficiently releasing custom functionality into the Salesforce production environment. Let’s dive into his insights on how to get the most out of Salesforce for events. 

RA: Evgeniy, your expertise in Salesforce is well-known. How do you see Salesforce transforming event management for businesses today?

Evgeniy: Thanks for the kind words. Salesforce Event Management is revolutionizing the approach to events and turning them into powerful growth engines. It’s not just about managing events; it’s about creating experiences that drive engagement, brand loyalty, and growth. Let’s explore how.

RA: Evgeniy, you took the spotlight at the Cotswolds Community Group event, where you delved into efficiently releasing custom functionality into the Salesforce production environment. How does this experience tie into the broader scope of Salesforce Event Management?

Evgeniy: This experience has been so rewarding. It exemplifies our commitment to not only master the capabilities of Salesforce but also to share that knowledge with the community. It’s about raising the standard across the board, from the release of custom functionality to the holistic management of events through Salesforce. This approach ensures that we don’t just use the technology but advance it together

The Role of Events in Business Growth

RA: Speaking of progress, how important do you think events are to business growth?

Evgeniy: Events are pivotal. It’s where innovation meets opportunity — we network with industry leaders, showcase our solutions, and generate the leads that drive growth. My experience speaking at the event was all about using Salesforce to make these interactions as impactful as possible. 

Networking opportunities 
Events open doors to meet industry leaders and potential clients, forge partnerships, and lay the groundwork for future collaborations.

Brand exposure 
Through well-executed events, businesses can significantly elevate their brand visibility, showcasing their products or services to a targeted audience, thus enhancing brand recall.

Lead generation  
A strategic event can serve as a breeding ground for quality leads, with each interaction and registration providing valuable data that leads to business opportunities. 

RA: That’s compelling. Could you elaborate on how Salesforce facilitates these outcomes?

Evgeniy: Absolutely. Salesforce Event Management centralizes and simplifies the entire process, from planning to execution and analysis.  

Elevate Your Business Game with Salesforce! 
Unlock the potential of Salesforce for your events with our expert guidance. Embark on your CRM adventure now!

Overview of Salesforce Event Management 

RA: And how does Salesforce Event Management enhance interactions with industry leaders?

Evgeniy: Salesforce Event Management acts as the backbone for these engagements. It streamlines the event lifecycle, from centralized data management to personalization and robust analytics. My role — and that of our team — is to ensure that these tools fully utilize themselves to deliver seamless, successful events. 

At its core, Salesforce Event Management integrates deeply with your CRM ecosystem, providing a comprehensive toolkit for managing the entire event lifecycle. 

Centralized data management  
Gain unparalleled oversight over your event logistics, attendee insights, and communications within Salesforce, ensuring a single source of truth.

Automation and personalization 
Harness the power of Salesforce to automate critical event processes, from sending personalized invitations to scheduling follow-ups, enhancing the attendee experience through personalization at scale. 

Two women discussing something in a room during a Salesforce Event Management, reminiscent of a scene from Friends Series.

Analytics and reporting 
Utilize Salesforce’s robust analytics tools to extract actionable insights from your event data, enabling informed decision-making to improve future events’ ROI and impact. 

Salesforce redefines event management, making it more efficient, data-driven, and impactful. Our team stands ready to assist you in leveraging Salesforce to its fullest potential, ensuring your events are seamless and successful. 

Elevate your events with Salesforce management! 

Partner with Routine Automation for tailored Salesforce solutions that drive your events to success. 

Salesforce Implementation  

What Types of Events Can You Create? 

RA: With Salesforce’s capabilities, what types of events can companies look to create?

Evgeniy: The spectrum is vast. From webinars and workshops that engage audiences worldwide to large-scale conferences and impactful product launches, Salesforce supports them all. It’s about choosing the right platform for your event and executing it flawlessly

Salesforce’s flexibility supports multiple event types, allowing organizations to meet different audience preferences and business goals. 

Webinars and online workshops 
Capitalize on Salesforce’s digital capabilities to engage a global audience, delivering content and interaction virtually.

Various Salesforce Event Management events including conferences, webinars, and workshops.

Conferences and seminars 
Use Salesforce to manage complex logistics of large-scale events, from multi-session agendas to attendee tracking. 

Product launches 
Make your product launch memorable by leveraging Salesforce to create buzz, manage invitations, and gather instant feedback. 

No matter the size or type of your event, Salesforce is ready to support it. Our experience and expertise with Salesforce can help you plan, execute, and manage any event with precision and flair. 

Benefits of Using Salesforce for Events

RA: What benefits does Salesforce bring to the table for event management?

Evgeniy: The benefits are multifaceted. Enhanced attendee experiences, efficient resource management, and improved collaboration, to name a few. Each benefit directly contributes to the event’s success and, by extension, the growth of the business

Enhanced attendee experience 
Utilize Salesforce to deliver a tailored event journey for each attendee, from personalized content to targeted networking opportunities. 

Efficient resource management 
Allocate your event resources more effectively, leveraging Salesforce data to inform decisions about venue selection, speaker lineup, and more. 

Improved collaboration 
Salesforce fosters better communication and collaboration among your event team, vendors, and stakeholders, ensuring cohesive event execution. 

Data-driven insights 
Gain valuable insights from your event data with Salesforce’s analytics tools. Understand attendee behavior, measure event success, and use these findings to refine future event strategies. 

A diverse group collaborates on a computer and tablet, showcasing Salesforce Event Management benefits.

Streamlined registration and attendance tracking 
Simplify the registration process and keep a real-time check on attendance with Salesforce’s integrated tools, enhancing the operational efficiency of your events. 

The benefits of using Salesforce for event management are manifold. Let our team guide you through implementing Salesforce strategies that enhance your event outcomes and attendee satisfaction. 

Salesforce Event Management Best Practices

RA: Could you share some best practices based on your expertise and recent presentation?

Evgeniy: Certainly. Start planning in advance, ensuring your systems and data are ready with Salesforce integration. Focus on engaging your attendees with personalized experiences, and don’t forget about post-event follow-up. It’s about creating a complete lifecycle that begins and ends with Salesforce

Early planning and integration 
Begin your event planning early, ensuring all systems and data within Salesforce are integrated for a smooth event lifecycle. 

Image showing Salesforce Event Management best practices, calendar, and planning strategies.

Engagement strategies 
Engage your attendees through Salesforce by creating interactive and personalized event experiences. 

Post-event follow-up 
Automate your post-event communication within Salesforce to maintain engagement, gather feedback, and nurture leads. 

Leverage Salesforce communities 
Use Salesforce communities to build an event-centric online platform. This encourages pre-event networking, provides a space for discussions, and serves as a hub for all event-related information and updates. 

Optimizing for mobile experience 
Ensure your event is mobile-friendly within Salesforce. From registration to accessing event information and networking, a seamless mobile experience keeps engagement high and enhances attendee satisfaction. 

Following this Salesforce Event Management, best practices will elevate your event’s impact. Our team is here to help you implement these strategies effectively, ensuring your events are memorable and achieve their intended goals. 


RA: To wrap up, what message do you have for businesses looking to elevate their event management strategies with Salesforce?

Evgeniy: Salesforce Event Management isn’t just a platform; it’s a strategic ally in your growth journey. Whether you’re new to Salesforce or aiming to enhance your current event strategies, our team at Routine Automation is dedicated to guiding you through the process, harnessing the full power of Salesforce for unparalleled event success. 

Elevate your events with Salesforce management!
Partner with Routine Automation for tailored Salesforce solutions that drive your events to success.