Implementation of AI Chatbots in Salesforce

7 min 28.09.2023 Updated: 18.07.2024

Take your CRM experience to new heights and improve customer engagement with AI chatbots in Salesforce. Join our Salesforce developer Roman Levkovich as your guide to implementing conversational AI and unlocking automation within your CRM. 

The Benefits of AI Chatbots for Salesforce

Integrating a chatbot with Salesforce provides multiple advantages for your business: 

  • Deliver 24/7 self-service – Chatbots powered by NLP and machine learning provide instant answers to common inquiries anytime, anywhere. Customers spend less time waiting “in the queue.” They get answers to common questions immediately in a chat window instead of waiting for an email, phone call, or response from another channel. This significantly improves your customer satisfaction. 
  • Personalize experiences – Leveraging CRM data, chatbots offer customized recommendations and support tailored to each your customer’s profile and history. 
  • Reduce case volume – Chatbots resolve routine issues, freeing agents to focus on complex cases requiring human expertise and empathy. Some companies see a 40% decrease in cases. 
  • Streamline workflows with automation – Your tedious administrative tasks like appointment booking and lead capture can be fully automated using conversational interfaces. 
  • Gain insights from conversations – Chatbot conversations generate valuable data to identify trends, improve products, and tailor marketing. 
  • Quickly integrate with existing systems – Connect chatbots to your Salesforce environment and beyond to sync data across platforms.

While chatbots handle high-volume, low-complexity queries, human agents remain available to resolve difficult issues. With our guidance, AI chatbots become a seamless enhancement to your customer service ecosystem. 

Choosing the Right Chatbot Approach

When integrating AI chatbots with Salesforce, two options exist – leveraging Einstein Bots or implementing a custom solution:

🧠 Einstein Bots

– As Salesforce’s proprietary chatbot technology, Einstein Bots enable no-code bot building within your CRM. Benefits include quick setup and tight integration with Salesforce data and workflows. In addition, we recommend to use these together with Einstein Discovery, Next Best Action, Prediction Builder, and Service Cloud Einstein. Limitations are less flexibility and customization.

🧠 Custom Bots

– Third-party conversational AI platforms allow greater control over capabilities and integration. Custom bots can be closely tailored to your needs with advanced NLP and ongoing maintenance. However, development requires more time and expertise. 

We guide clients in selecting the right approach based on their use case, appetite for customization, and implementation timeline. Our team handles implementation challenges on your behalf.

Want to boost your CRM with Salesforce AI capabilities? 
Let’s improve your business by implementing AI with Salesforce development partner Routine Automation!

Step 1: Planning Your Chatbot Solution

Careful planning is key to launching an effective AI chatbot. Start by outlining your goals and requirements:

  • What customer pain points will your chatbot solve? Reduce case volume, boost conversion rates, or automate workflows? 
  • How will you measure success? Identify target KPIs like CSAT scores, average handle time, and lead generation.
  • Which channels will you deploy on? Website, mobile app, Facebook Messenger?
  • How will you maintain continuity between bots and human agents? 
  • What level of conversational complexity is needed? How much custom NLP is required? 

Keeping the end-to-end customer journey in mind, we help you map out an optimal chatbot strategy tailored to your organization.

Step 2: Data Preparation and Integration

Fluent conversations require quality data. Our team helps you compile and structure datasets to maximize your chatbot’s knowledge:

Integrate with your Salesforce environment – Unlock CRM data on customers, products, services, and cases to enable personalized and contextual recommendations.

  • Ingest relevant databases – Combine structured data like FAQs, knowledge bases, and catalogs with unstructured data from emails, chats, and documents.
  • Pre-process the data – Properly formatted, clean data is critical for training accuracy.
  • Connecting to Salesforce API – To access Salesforce data, your bot will need to interact with the relevant Salesforce APIs.

Keeping the end-to-end customer journey in mind, we help you map out an optimal chatbot strategy tailored to your organization.

Step 3: Chatbot Build and Customization

Our specialists focus on building a chatbot aligned to your brand personality and industry best practices: 

We craft engaging dialog flows with your target users in mind. Contextual awareness and seamless transitions between topics keep users engaged. 

Custom intents, entities, and content blocks are added to optimize linguistic accuracy for your business terminology and use cases. 

Integrations with internal systems are built using APIs and webhooks to unify data across tech stacks and workflows

Salesforce-specific features are incorporated such as lead capture forms, appointment scheduling, and case creation.

Throughout the process, our solution architects keep you involved to tailor the chatbot experience to your needs.

Step 4: Testing, Iteration and Launch

Rigorous testing and swift iteration are key to maximizing performance and user satisfaction:

We meticulously test across platforms and channels, proactively finding and fixing issues pre-launch. Beta testing with real customers uncovers conversational gaps. We expand question-answer pairs accordingly.

Using feedback flows and CRM data, our engineers continuously improve and support the model after launch. New capabilities are rolled out incrementally to enhance the experience without disruption.

Supported by our managed services, your AI chatbot keeps getting smarter over time, driving greater automation and engagement.

Step 5: Ongoing Maintenance and Optimization

Post-launch, our dedicated team maintains your chatbot’s peak performance: 

  • Adding new FAQs and integrating data from launched features keeps knowledge current.
  • Usage metrics are analyzed to identify poorly performing intents and optimize flows
  • Your team is trained to monitor KPI dashboards, update training phrases, and annotate conversations. 
  • Proactive monitoring and alerts ensure your chatbot is always available and meeting response-time SLAs.
  • Regular performance reviews evaluate NSAT scores, lead generation, and goal achievement to guide enhancements.
  • With continuous improvements, your AI chatbot acts as an always-on employee that boosts CSAT, sales, and productivity 24/7.

Realizing the Potential of AI Chatbots

As AI specialists, we firmly believe conversational interfaces represent the future of customer engagement. Integrating AI chatbots into your Salesforce environment can transform sales and service while winning customer loyalty

But thoughtfully planning the customer journey, securing leadership buy-in, providing agent training, and deploying the right technology is crucial to seeing results. 

That’s where our certified team comes in. Let us guide your business in implementing AI chatbots tailored precisely to your needs – integrating seamlessly with systems and workflows to help your business reach new heights. 

Do you want to implement Salesforce AI?
Contact us to book a free Consultation with our AI engineers.