Be the Fastest to Solve Customer Cases with Salesforce Call Center Software

6 min 13.07.2023 Updated: 16.07.2024

As we know, the company’s success largely depends on how fast and efficiently the customer cases are covered. One of the classic ways of customer service is still phone calls. Despite the popularity of messengers and other channels, phone calls still take up a considerable part of the time and maintenance. And to leave this channel without attention would be a huge mistake. How to speed up and improve the productivity of call centers? We consider looking at a CTI solution. 

Salesforce Open CTI as a Call Center Software

We will talk about Salesforce Call Center Software – a tool that integrates with the Salesforce CRM platform to enhance customer service and support operations. The Routine Automation expert highlights the robust call center solution called Salesforce Open CTI. But does it worth paying attention to instead of other customer service channels? The answer is probably “Yes!” and we are going to explain you why.   

CTI in Numbers  

The global CTI market was valued at $3.52 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $5.54 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period (2021-2026). 

According to a survey conducted by Software Advice, approximately 64% of businesses have already implemented some form of CTI solution, while 22% are planning to invest in CTI within the next year. 

CTI helps improve call center efficiency by integrating telephony systems with computer-based applications. On average, CTI can reduce call handling time by 20-30%, leading to improved productivity and customer satisfaction. 

CTI plays a crucial role in enhancing customer experience. According to research, 74% of consumers are likely to switch brands if they encounter poor customer service. CTI enables agents to access customer information quickly, resulting in personalized interactions and reduced call resolution time. 

CTI integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems is highly beneficial for businesses. Research shows that CTI combined with CRM can increase sales productivity by 15% and improve forecast accuracy by 42%. 

Salesforce Open CTI Benefits

🚀 Improved Agents’ Productivity 

Enhance productivity by allowing your agents to make and receive calls directly within the Salesforce interface. For example, they can initiate calls with a single click, and as a result, eliminate the need to switch between applications and reduce manual dialing errors. Such a streamlined workflow helps your agents save time and handle more calls efficiently. 

🚀 Boosted Customer Experience 

Empower your agents with relevant customer information before and during calls. How does it work? When a call comes in, the CTI screen pops up with the caller’s details, previous interactions, and purchase history, thus enabling your agents to provide personalized and contextually relevant support. This leads to a more personalized and satisfying customer experience. 

🚀 Call Routing & Queuing Capabilities  

Salesforce Open CTI supports intelligent call routing and queuing capabilities. Calls can be automatically directed to the appropriate agent based on factors such as skills, availability, and customer preferences. We ensure with this feature, customers can be connected to the right person faster, in the end reducing wait times and improving first-call resolution rates. 

🚀 Click-to-Dial & Call Logging Features 

With Salesforce call center software click-to-dial functionality, your agents can make outbound calls directly from within Salesforce. What do you have? Eliminated manual dialing and provided a consistent record of all call activities, including call duration, timestamps, and call notes. Call logging ensures accurate and comprehensive call history, facilitating better customer tracking and follow-up. 

🚀 Omnichannel Integration 

Call center software by Salesforce extends beyond voice calls and integrates with other communication channels – email, chat, and social media. Imagine your agents can manage multiple channels within Salesforce, creating a unified view of customer interactions. The omnichannel integration enables agents to deliver consistent support across various channels and resulting in a seamless customer experience. 

🚀 Real-time Analytics & Reporting 

Salesforce for call centers provides real-time analytics and reporting capabilities. Supervisors and managers can monitor call volumes, agent performance metrics, and call outcomes. What’s the impact? These insights help identify areas for improvement, optimize resource allocation, and make data-driven decisions to enhance overall contact center operations. 

🚀 Customization & Flexibility 

Open CTI is highly customizable and adaptable. How it could be? The framework supports custom call controls, screen pops, and integration with third-party applications. You can tailor the CTI functionality to match specific workflows and integrate with the telephony systems of your choice, providing flexibility in implementation. 

🚀 Scalability & Integration 

Salesforce Open CTI seamlessly integrates with Salesforce CRM and scales with the organization’s growth. We consider as call volumes increase or new communication channels are added, Open CTI can accommodate the expanding needs of the contact center. Additionally, it integrates with other Salesforce features and AppExchange applications, extending its capabilities further. 

Follow these 10 Steps to Integrate Salesforce into Your Call-Center

🧩 Step 1: Identify Integration Requirements. You must determine the specific requirements for integrating Salesforce into your call center. Understand the telephony system being used, the desired call center functionalities, and the Salesforce features to be utilized. 

🧩 Step 2: Choose the Integration Method. Select the integration method that best suits your call center setup and requirements, for example Salesforce CTI integration.  

🧩 Step 3: Configure Salesforce CTI Settings. This involves setting up call center features, call routing rules, call logging options, and screen pops. You may need to install and configure Salesforce CTI adapters or related applications. 

🧩 Step 4: Integrate Telephony System. Connect the call center’s telephony system to Salesforce depending on the integration method you’ve chosen. 

🧩 Step 5: Map Data Fields. Define the mapping between the telephony system and Salesforce CRM to ensure all relevant customer information, call details, and call logs are synchronized between the two systems. Map fields – caller ID, call duration, call outcome, and any custom fields – to your call center requirements. 

🧩 Step 6: Enable Click-to-Dial. Set up click-to-dial functionality, allowing your agents to make outbound calls directly from within Salesforce.  

🧩 Step 7: Implement Screen Pops. Configure screen pops to display relevant customer information when calls are received or made. Define the next criteria for screen pops – matching incoming phone numbers or customer IDs. Customize the information displayed to assist your agents during calls. 

🧩 Step 8: Test and Validate. Thoroughly test the integration to ensure it is functioning as you expected. Make test calls, verify call logging, screen pops, and any other configured features. Validate that data synchronization between the telephony system and Salesforce is accurate. 

🧩 Step 9: Train Agents. Provide training to your call center agents on using Salesforce. Familiarize them with the integrated features to ensure your agents understand how to utilize Salesforce effectively for call center operations. 

🧩 Step 10: Monitor and Optimize. Regularly monitor the integrated system’s performance, track call center metrics, and analyze data captured in Salesforce. Use insights to optimize call center operations, improve agent productivity, and enhance customer experiences. rter manage customer relationships and drive business growth. 

At Routine Automation, our primary objective is to utilize Automation as a Salesforce Certified Partner and Consultant to address customer issues. Through our cutting-edge solutions, we aim to enhance efficiency and streamline processes, enabling you to automate repetitive tasks and concentrate on intelligent decision-making.  

Our approach is straightforward: we prioritize delivering exceptional customer service, surpassing your expectations. With our extensive expertise spanning various industries, we cater to both startups and established companies across Europe, the US, and the UK. Our team comprises over 50 skilled engineers holding certifications in Marketing, Sales & CPQ, Service & FSL, and have successfully implemented over 250 solutions for customers like yourself.    

Searching for experts to streamline your call center operations?
Contact the RA team to schedule a call with our Salesforce expert to conduct call center integration with Salesforce.